On the occasion of the Mexico City Grand Prix, Microsoft has announced its support for the Rac(H)er programme, an initiative from Alpine aimed at increasing female representation in motorsports, both behind the wheel and in the technical and engineering staff, seeking to trigger a change in both Formula 1 and the rest of the racing categories in the world.
As part of the activities of this project, both brands collaborated to develop a STEM clinic in the country, encouraging and training Mexican girls from the Tecnolochicas programme by Televisa Foundation in the process of programming micro bits and building robotic cars on a scale. This two-day event featured the participation of Dalia Ramos, a Mexican engineer who oversees supervising and coordinating the construction, assembly, testing and inspection activities of BWT Alpine F1 Team.
These types of efforts seek to inspire female talent to develop in different aspects of these disciplines, trying to reduce the gender gap that, according to data from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, still maintains a predominantly male representation in a global scale, where only 28% of the workforce in these sectors are women.
As an official partner of BWT Alpine F1 Team, Microsoft finds common ground in the Rac(H)er programme, sharing its values of inclusion and gender equity, promoting access and interest of girls and young people both for STEM careers and for motorsports.
Launched in the middle of last year, this project aims to increase the number of women working for the team from 13% to 30%, opening more job opportunities within the organisation while generating activities that help make STEM more attractive for girls and young people.
Currently the team has a data-based operating model, leveraging Microsoft's cloud, data and automation technologies, as well as serving as a key platform for decision-making both in the race and in the updating, maintenance, design and assembly of the car
Starting from this alliance and the shared values between both companies, Microsoft has joined BWT Alpine F1 Team's efforts to empower youth to pursue STEM learning and, subsequently, careers in motorsports. Last season this joint work resulted in the Handy Inc initiative, held in Miami, where students were invited to participate in programming activities.
This year the alliance arrived in Mexico, offering girls and young people from the Tecnolochicas programme by Televisa Foundation the opportunity to acquire technical skills that will allow them to both enter the world of code development and experience it in the tangible world, through a robotics workshop that will allow them to assemble a replica of the team's emblematic vehicle on a scale.
In this way, both brands work to open a new door of possibilities, where Mexican women can take their talent to the next level, access more and better opportunities and contribute to the articulation of an ecosystem free of gender prejudices and stereotypes, leading the way to a new era of innovation.
Dalia Ramos Guerra, Head of Build and Test at BWT Alpine F1 Team: “As a woman and engineer, I believe that it is really important to raise awareness and make visible the work of female talent, in addition to guide, support and help each other up, as a way to reduce the gender gap in the industry. It is certainly a highly competitive field, and today we are still a minority group, which only makes more significant what we do to open new opportunities for future generations. I think that my experience is a proof that it is possible to develop a career as women in motorsports, but it also means that we have the responsibility to encourage and inspire young girls into the world of STEM, to help them pursue the career that they are passionate about without fear, limitations, or stereotypes."